As you know, there is a wealth of resources available online to instructors of economics. This week, we wanted to share some blogs that we thought you might find useful. Return next week to see blogs that focus on the topics of personal finance and financial literacy.
Curated by Rebecca Moryl, AudioEcon is a library of economics-themed podcasts, primarily from Planet Money, but also from Freakonomics, EconTalk, This American Life and others. The site is designed for economics instructors with searchable categories created with the instructor in mind, as well as suggestions for podcast-related assignments they might incorporate into course instruction. Audioecon and related assignments is featured in the Journal of Economics Education article Podcasts as a Tool for Teaching Economics Vol.45, Iss.3, 2014.
Moryl is Assistant Professor and Chair in the Department of Management and Economics at Emmanuel College in Boston and has been teaching for more than ten years. She writes, “I’m always looking for new ways to engage students and bring technology into the classroom. In 2008 I introduced students in Introductory Economics to economic-themed podcasts as a way to earn extra credit. I have been increasingly convinced of the value of integrating audio and video into course content in and out of the classroom ever since.”
Ed Dolan writes this blog with the goal of promoting economic literacy. Initially, he says he expected his readers to be mainly teachers of economics, and there are many of those, but it has also attracted a wider audience who simply want a better understanding of the economic world around them.
Dolan has taught in universities throughout the U.S. and abroad, and founded the American Institute of Business and Economics (AIBEc), an independent, not-for-profit MBA program in Moscow, Russia. Since 2001, he has taught economics in several European countries, including an ongoing appointment as visiting professor at the Stockholm School of Economics in Riga.
This site brings together a large community of economic, financial, and geopolitical thinkers from around the world. Articles are organized into “channels” around specific regions and topics. A small number of videos are also available.
Actually, this is not a blog, but a semi-annual newsletter. Edited by William A McEachern of the University of Connecticut, TE aims to make instructors’ teaching of economics more effective. Now in its twentieth year, TE also provides a forum called The Grapevine, where contributors can share teaching ideas. An extensive archive of past issues is also available.
What resources would you add to this list?